Classroom Treaty

Classroom Treaty 3 P’s

We agree to Participate in Room 1 by... .
.. getting involved
... giving everything a go
...being a focused learner

We agree to form a Partnership in Room 1 by...
...working co-operatively together
...displaying respect for all students and teachers

We agree to have Protection in Room 1 by...
...looking out for each other
...respecting every ones space and property

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dealing with recycling at MIS

Here we will report what we have done so far...

Day 1,
We decided what our jobs were to help deal with recycling at MIS. Bailey and Crystal talked with Mr Mac and he said our idea was good and should talk to the Matamata- Piako District Council about getting some Recycling bins. Lucky for us he said that we could have TWO recyling bins for our school FREE of charge.

Day 2,
Cam and Bailey rang Micheal from Ink Post and he said he was happy to answer these questions,
"Do you recycle Ink containers?" He said "Yes".
Then she asked "Why don't you recycle Morrinsville Intermediate's any more?"
And he replied " We can send you all the Equipment to recycle them and we will pick them up!"
"I Think we will have to ask our libarian and office staff before we give you our details But THANK YOU ANY WAY"

Day 3,
Senior Staff meeting today.
From Mrs Armstrong one of the Senior Staff, we found out that she mentioned the recycling we were trying to promote and they all thought it was a good idea, so we now have their approval.
Bailey and Crystal talked to Mr Mehalski our caretaker about our idea and he said he will do what he can to help the situation by recycling any recyclable items he comes across.

Day 4,
Today we started marketing the idea of recycling plastic in our school. We are currently publishing the Blog, Newsletter and promoting the idea for the assembly this week.

1 comment:

  1. We think that it's great that your trying to make a difference in the school. Keep up the good work!


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